History of Art

Isabel Pons - Composition 9

From Barcelona to Brazil: Isabel Pons and Her Poetics of Graphics

Isabel Pons Iranzo Life and Career Isabel Pons Iranzo (1912–2002) was a Spanish-Brazilian artist whose work combined diverse techniques, styles, and motifs. Born in Barcelona, she exhibited a passion for art from an early age. She studied painting and drawing at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona between 1925 and 1930 and collaborated with […]

From Barcelona to Brazil: Isabel Pons and Her Poetics of Graphics Read More

Generative Art in Argentina

Generative Art in Argentina is associated mainly with two names – Eduardo Mac Entyre (1929 – 2014) and Miguel Ángel Vidal (1928 – 2009). Both artists are the main representatives of geometric abstract art in Argentina. Their biographies hold many similarities. Both of them have shown artistic skills at an early age, at first studying

Generative Art in Argentina Read More

Mystical art of Christian Verhelst

For me, the most alluring aspect of studying art is  discovering new, unknown before pieces and their creators. I don’t mean here the younger generation (the so-called Young Art) but mature artists. One of such discoveries of mine is Christian Verhelst – a splendid Belgian artist, whom you won’t find in history of art books.

Mystical art of Christian Verhelst Read More

cover design by Reid Miles

Reid Miles for Blue Note – Blue jazz series

Reid Miles (1927-1993) Reid Miles is an ingenious graphic designer who worked in the 50s and 60s for Blue Note record company and created there over 500 album designs, which today are splendid examples for subsequent generations of graphic designers. Why are they so good? When talking about album cover designs it is often said

Reid Miles for Blue Note – Blue jazz series Read More

Avant-garde Balkans

Spring of the Balkan Avant-garde

This is not a theoretical text or a perspective on the Balkan avant-garde through the eyes of an art historian. As an artist I am trying to present my own view on development of the Balkan avant-garde from the early 20th century till now. I am a part of a younger generation that was brought

Spring of the Balkan Avant-garde Read More

Hermelindo Fiaminghi

Concrete and Neoconcrete art of the 50s/60s in Brazil

Concretes/Neoconcretes Paulistas Exhibition Curator: Macaparana In São Paulo there is currently an ongoing exhibition of the Concrete and Neoconcrete art of 1950s/60s, which attracts attention of European critics and collectors. In the past few years there has been a significant rise of interest in Brazilian geometric abstract art and the artists presented on the exhibition are

Concrete and Neoconcrete art of the 50s/60s in Brazil Read More

Math and color – geometrical abstract art of Jerzy Grabowski

Jerzy Grabowski is one of the most interesting representatives of geometrical abstract art in European graphics of the second half of the 20th century. In the 60s and 70s he maintained contact with artistic environments from Eastern Europe and he was in the jury of many prestigious art contests. It was his idea to change

Math and color – geometrical abstract art of Jerzy Grabowski Read More

Moïse Kisling and his artistic inspirations

These days, the prices of paintings from the first half of the 20th century are constantly soaring on the art market. This includes the School of Paris (École de Paris) as well, which had a very interesting representative Moïse Kisling – artist born in Poland, closely related to Modigliani. Kisling was a very prolific artist,

Moïse Kisling and his artistic inspirations Read More

Henri Matisse vs Paul Rand – what the famous fauvist has to do with the author of IBM logo

Graphic design and painting might seem to some as distant fields of art but the truth is that artists from both sides face the same artistic problems, for instance: balanced composition, colour, scale, dominant etc. In history of art, there are instances of artists who practice completely different art styles and yet create very similar

Henri Matisse vs Paul Rand – what the famous fauvist has to do with the author of IBM logo Read More

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